NI-TClk Python API Documentation


This package, which is maintained in the **nimi-python** repository, provides a Python API for the associated driver.

Support Policy

This package supports all the Operating Systems supported by the underlying driver.

It follows Python Software Foundation support policy for different versions. At this time this includes Python 3.7 and above using CPython.


We welcome contributions! You can clone the project repository, build it, and install it by following these instructions.

Support / Feedback

For support specific to the Python API, follow the processs in Bugs / Feature Requests. For support with hardware, the driver runtime or any other questions not specific to the Python API, please visit NI Community Forums.

Bugs / Feature Requests

To report a bug or submit a feature request specific to Python API, please use the GitHub issues page.

Fill in the issue template as completely as possible and we will respond as soon as we can.

Additional Documentation

Refer to your driver documentation for device-specific information and detailed API documentation.

Refer to the nimi-python Read the Docs project for documentation of versions 1.4.4 of the module or earlier.


nimi-python is licensed under an MIT-style license (see LICENSE). Other incorporated projects may be licensed under different licenses. All licenses allow for non-commercial and commercial use.

gRPC Features For driver APIs that support it, passing a GrpcSessionOptions instance as a parameter to Session.__init__() is subject to the NI General Purpose EULA (see NILICENSE).

Indices and tables